3D Animation - 2D Animation - Illustration - Visual Arts - Direction - Design 




"Watersprite" - Alumni Award Winner

Mar. 11th 2024

I feel extremely honored to have won the Watersprite Film Festival  Alumni Award.

Find the transcript of my video interview with them here:

Interview Viola Baldwin Watersprite Alumni Award

Thank you so much, dear Watersprite Team!

"Plastic Club" - Award Winner 2nd Prize

Mar. 05th 2024

I am excited to share that I won the second prize with my artwork "Innenleben" at the "Let's Face It" exhibition at the Plastic Club Philadelphia, one of the oldest Art Clubs in the United States.

Juror Scott Woyak: "[...] and the mystery of this piece drew me in. It takes a skilled imagination to create images in black and white. And even more impressive - it's been done in water color."

Thank you, Plastic Club!

My piece will be exhibited there throughout March 2024.

"The Superhero Project" - Poster

Feb. 13th 2024

I had the honor to contribute to "The Superhero Project" with my poster design of "Noah - The Unpredictable"